TABITTO Travel Kagoshima
鹿児島の竹箸と竹紙ケース Kagoshima Bamboo Chopsticks with Bamboo paper box
鹿児島の竹箸と竹紙ケース Kagoshima Bamboo Chopsticks with Bamboo paper box
中には英語で竹箸についての物語が書いてあります。Sincerely, のあとにご自身の名前を入れてプレゼントされたらお客様は鹿児島の思い出を国まで持って帰ってくれることでしょう。シンプルで実用的。外国からのお客様対応に、ぜひご活用ください。
As a memory of Kagoshima... “Bamboo Chopsticks” for you. These chopsticks and the
paper box are made of 100% Japanese bamboo.
We are supporting the project to keep beautiful bamboo forests in Kagoshima by using
abandoned bamboo as materials for various items.
We believe that this activity will bring the future with blessings of nature to the next
generation. We hope you enjoy using the bamboo chopsticks.
Sincerely, (送り主の名前を入れるスペース)
in English
A great souvenir for your memory of Kagoshima
This set of chopsticks and the paper box are made from 100% Bamboo of Kagoshima. Why don't you get one set as your memory of Kagoshima's stay?
We deliver to your accommodation in Japan. Free delivery for 10set+ order.
*Message in the paper box
As a memory of Kagoshima... “Bamboo Chopsticks” for you. These chopsticks and the
paper box are made of 100% Japanese bamboo.
We are supporting the project to keep beautiful bamboo forests in Kagoshima by using
abandoned bamboo as materials for various items.
We believe that this activity will bring the future with blessings of nature to the next
generation. We hope you enjoy using the bamboo chopsticks.
Sincerely, (space of sender's name)